I think it’s no surprise to you all that I shop online. I can honestly, and proudly say I spend at least 45 minutes a day scouting my favorite sites, adding anything and everything to my cart, and then wishing my last name were Hilton or Kardashian. I know I’m not alone when I say shopping online is a great form of therapy, retail therapy.
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I would say that I shop more online than I do in store for one reason, and one reason only, COST. I’ve found their are far more sales to be discovered online than walking a local mall; unless of course you have the cojones to ask for discounts at the till, and to be frank I’ve never done that before. So because my husband is the only one in the house that carries a pair, I bank on sites like Shopsters to save me big at the checkout.
Shopster provides Canadian online shoppers with the biggest discounts from the biggest online stores. While other coupon and deal sites think more coupons are better, here at Shopster we think big discounts from big names are better.
Other sites use automated programs to pull information from thousands of different online stores, many of which are stores you’ve never even heard of. You’ll find that many of these stores don’t even ship to Canada, don’t have the brand name items you’re looking for and/or have not been around long enough to be trustworthy of your hard earned dollars.
Shopster.ca hand-picks every single store we work with and builds relationships with these stores so we can give you the biggest discounts around from the biggest stores online. We then hand-pick each and every coupon or deal before it gets published to ensure that the discount is big enough to get people excited. You don’t want 15% off at Martha’s Shirt Store, you want 60% off at Macy’s. And at Shopster, we make it happen.
I discovered Shopster.ca a few weeks ago and was quick to put them to the test. The “are they really as amazing as they claim” test that I put all coupon sites through. One, do they have stores I shop at? Two, are the coupons the real deal? Do they actually work at the checkout? And three, are the discounts big enough that it makes it worth my while to shop there first?
Shopster checks out, They’re the real deal people, and will save you at the checkout, everytime!
Take a peek at their site, I mean really what do you have to lose, other than losing-out on crazy deals {you like what I did there?}. And because I got all excited and made a list of some of my favorite retailers they host on their site, here it is; Macy’s, The Gap, Saks 5th Avenue, J. Crew, Toys r’ Us, Old Navy, Pottery Barn, Best Buy, Canon, Amazon.ca, IKEA, Nordstrom, and Victoria Secret. Going to Shopster before you shop is a no-brainer and I encourage you to do the same, just consider this a money-saving tip from one online shopper to another.
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